Into the depths of the heart we go...

~ This New Moon in Scorpio is going to be assisting with this healing process, and is going to help us tune into our softer side ~
The sensitive Scorpio New Moon falls on November 7-8th and is going to help you tune into the wisdom and love that resides inside your heart and soul.
Healing the heart has definitely been a theme in the cosmos for these last few weeks due to Venus Retrograde. This energy has really been highlighting cracks and weak points in our relationships and bringing wounds of the heart to our attention so we can heal and transcend them.
This New Moon in Scorpio is going to be assisting with this healing process, and is going to help us tune into our softer side. We are going to be encouraged to view things from the heart and to find love, compassion, and empathy not just towards others, but also towards ourselves.
Showing yourself love and compassion is the ultimate spiritual practice, and will help you to find your confidence, raise your vibration, and live a more fulfilling life. The benefits of self-love are really endless.
On this New Moon, really make it a point to be extra kind to yourself. Hold yourself close to your heart, and be gentle and loving in what you say and what you think. Even if negative thoughts creep in, try to remind yourself that you are on a journey of learning and growing, and there is no need for you to have a “perfect” life.
Forgiveness is also a huge theme around this New Moon as well. If we think back to October, there was a lot of harsh energy brewing, especially around the Taurus Full Moon. Things may have been stirred at this time where you felt the need to lash out or act from a place of anger or ego.
If this resonates, this New Moon is going to be the perfect opportunity to find forgiveness, and to practice compassion towards yourself and others.
Forgiveness is not about justifying a behavior or being in agreement with someone. Forgiveness is about acceptance, and releasing yourself of any negative attachments you may be having towards a situation or person.
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful healing tools we can offer ourselves and the world, and is the only way we can let go and transcend a situation.
Scorpio energy is all about transformation and moving to that next level, and under the vibration of this New Moon, we can use the power of forgiveness to hoist ourselves to that next level.
Start by forgiving yourself first. Forgive yourself for anything and everything. Forgive yourself for all that you did or didn’t do. Forgive yourself for what you didn’t know and what you know today. Just forgive.
An easy way to do this is to place your hand over your heart while looking in the mirror. Gaze into your eyes and just say- “I forgive you”. Do this over and over and over until you feel the release.
Once you have cleared yourself, you can then approach others and practice forgiveness with them if you feel it necessary.
Very often when we are having conflicts with others, it usually stems from a lack of communication and misunderstanding.
We all have a different way of seeing the world, and we all have a different way of understanding and processing things. Very often, all we are looking for and all we need is someone to acknowledge and understand where we are coming from.
In this world, we could really all benefit from being more empathetic towards each other. Empathy is not about being sympathetic, it is not about trying to fix the situation, but rather it is simply finding understanding and acknowledging the person for how they are feeling.
While we can try, we don’t ever really know what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes. We don’t really know how they see the world or what experiences or triggers they have. But what we do know, and what we can empathize with is the need to be heard, the need to be understood, and the need to be treated with loving kindness.
On this Scorpio New Moon, we are going to be given the opportunity to delve into our hearts in order to bring healing. We are going to be given the opportunity to soften any harshness and focus on finding forgiveness.
This New Moon is sensitive, it is compassionate, and it is also very romantic. You can use this energy to mend wounds in your relationships, to explore your creative gifts, and to set intentions from the heart.
Our hearts are going to be close to us around this New Moon, and we are going to be able to tap into them with greater ease. This is really a gift that we can all use, so make it a point to feel into the incredible love that is inside of you.
You are love. It is the very essence of who you are, and the more you allow it, the more you feel it, the easier it will be for you to be an expression of it.
A channeled message for the November New Moon from my heart to yours-
Let’s travel into the underworld, into the depths of the heart. That’s where this Scorpio New Moon is going to take you. It is a journey we all need to make, it is a journey that has been long overdue. It’s time to go within, it is time to find anew. The wisdom of our heart is strong and clear, the wisdom of our heart is oh-so-dear. On the night of the Scorpio New Moon, we will feel in tune, we will feel the light radiating strong, so we can all finally belong. Belong in the place of shadows and dreams. Belong in the realm of the unseen. Our hearts are open, our hearts are true, and on this New Moon, we will all be too.
SOURCE: Intuitive Astrology: November New Moon 2018 by Tanaaz5
Gratitude to all who share this sacred message

In Universal Service ▲ Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes
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