quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2020

Assessment: Identify Your Entrepreneurial Personality Type

You are primarily a TRANSFORMER. But you have a blended personality—you’ve also got DIAMOND qualities.

Diamonds are bold dreamers who start disruptive ventures. They capture the imagination of everyone they meet with their visionary ideas for revolutionizing people’s lives. When Diamonds succeed, they can be game changers. But when they fail, the results may be messy and dramatic. Diamonds are brilliant, but it’s often all about them.
Examples: Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Arianna Huffington, Ted Turner, George Lucas, Elon Musk
To avoid common pitfalls:
Listen to learn. You may have vision, but you also need others’ input. If you can’t take criticism, you won’t uncover problems.
Share your success. Building a team is not enough. Distribute the spoils, give credit where credit’s due, and ask for help.

Transformers are ambitious change makers who reenergize traditional industries and take them to the next level. They typically aspire to modernize their firms or causes through social innovation and values-driven leadership. However, even with a strong company culture, long-standing barriers in their sector may make it challenging to sustain the level of change they’re pushing for.
Examples: Howard Schultz, Herb Kelleher, Lauren Bush, Anita Roddick, Blake Mycoskie
To avoid common pitfalls:
Make your business model as compelling as your mission. Innovation isn’t enough. You need strategic direction and strong implementation to deliver on your ideals.
Mind the facts. Change makers who focus on social goals often dismiss inconvenient data. But you can’t change the world if your numbers don’t add up.

This diagnostic tool is adapted from Crazy Is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags (Portfolio, 2014), by Linda Rottenberg. It was created with help from Bain & Company and Endeavor Insight.


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